What is the PE and Sports Premium?

The Primary PE and Sport Premium is designed to help children get an active start in life by improving the quality of PE and sports in primary schools. Schools have an important role in supporting children to ensure that they have a positive experience of physical activity and participation in physical activity is established from a young age. 

Schools can choose how best to spend this funding to make sustainable improvements, including on teacher training, offering more opportunities for pupils to take part in competition and widening the range of sports for both boys and girls, such as gymnastics. 



Learn more about eligibility and the structure of the PE and Sports Premium HERE.


How does this support help my school?

The funding can be used to make improvements to the physical education (PE) and sports activities offered by schools, as well as to make sure that teachers have the training and resources they need to deliver high-quality PE lessons. The ultimate goal of the funding is to increase children's participation in physical activity and improve their physical health and wellbeing.

Following the continuation of the PE & Sports premium funding, announced in 2023, Beth Tweddle Gymnastics are delighted to be able to continue to inspire children through gymnastics and developing the whole child through our Beth Tweddle Gymnastics values as well as upskill teachers in their confidence to deliver high quality gymnastics throughout their curriculum.

The full package recently announced includes:

  • Over £600 million across the next two academic years (2023-24 & 2024-25) for the continuation of the Primary PE and Sport Premium – a funding commitment to improve the quality of PE and sports in primary schools to help children benefit from regular activity

  • Schools to deliver a minimum 2 hours of curriculum PE – with more support being offered through a refreshed School Sport Action Plan

  • £22 million for two years of further funding for the School Games Organiser network (SGO) – Annually the 450 strong SGO workforce supports 2.2m participation opportunities for children including 28,000 competitive school sport events

  • Equal access to sports in school – setting out that offering girls and boys the same sports, where it is wanted is the new standard

  • Up to £57 million funding for the ‘Open Sports Facilities’ programme – to open up more school sport facilities outside of school hours especially targeted at girls, disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs

  • A new digital reporting tool for Primary PE and Sport Premium – to support schools in using the funding to the best advantage of their pupils

  • Expansion of the Schools Games Mark – to reward parity of provision for girls


For further information on how we can embed gymnastics into your school community and how this works in line with the PE and Sports premium funding, please do not hesitate to contact Samantha on: Samantha.scotland@btgymnastics.co.uk




How can Beth Tweddle Gymnastics help your school?

Trusted by hundreds of schools nationwide, our National Curriculum programme has been successfully delivering gymnastics to thousands of children around the UK for the past 10 years, allowing children from all backgrounds and abilities to experience the joy of gymnastics in the comfort of their own school.

Meeting over two-thirds of the National Curriculum for PE, Beth Tweddle National Curriculum programme has been a vital partner in delivering key indicators, such as increasing confidence, knowledge, and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport, engaging all pupils in regular physical activity, raising the profile of PE and sport as a tool for whole school improvement, offering a broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils, and increasing participation in competitive sport. 


Discover more about how Beth Tweddle Gymnastics can help deliver expert curriculum support for schools, and the benefits of working with us HERE



