What Age is Best to Start Gymnastics?

Gymnastics is a wonderful way for children to develop an interest in sports, have fun with a new activity and meet new life-long friends. It also poses numerous additional health benefits that offer long-term rewards for both physical and mental wellbeing. Children require stimulation from a very young age, so it’s never too soon to involve them in fun-filled sporting activities.

It’s never too early to start gymnastics

Believe it or not, babies as young as a few months old can start to reap the rewards of this all-inclusive activity with sessions that stimulate movement, social development and promote parental bonding.  

If you’re currently visualising the Olympic professionals, such as our very own Beth Tweddle, back-flipping across a floor, or pirouetting on a beam, stop right there!

Advanced skills aren’t introduced until children reach a more suitable age, where they can be performed safely- see our blog on strength training and when this is safe for children to start https://www.bethtweddlegymnastics.co.uk/news-all-is-strength-training-good-for-kids

Gymnastics however has a great deal more to offer than just physical wellbeing, and parents have the delight of watching on as their little ones develop social interaction skills, confidence, and maintain good mental health, all while having fun with their new friends.


Under 2…

Our Beth Tweddle Baby Stars classes are focused on development. They’re centred around the promotion of motor skills, building of social awareness, and creating new, exciting experiences for you and your baby.

With a fun-based approach, babies are encouraged to feel and experiment with new textures in the form of colourful soft-play skill shapes, such as mats, toys and flooring. Parents are encouraged to assist and encourage as their little ones learn to socialise in a new and varied environment, creating bonds and memories that last a lifetime.

There’s always the added benefit of time out and the establishment of a new routine for both you and your baby, particularly when you’re surrounded by similar new parents who are going through the same journey. As a new member of the BTG family, your little one can start their journey with us whenever you feel comfortable and can be a part of a fun, exciting sport that offers longevity, and health benefits, throughout the growing years.

You can find your nearest Baby Stars class HERE


Age 2 upwards…

At this age, crawling and climbing, and general movement skills can be introduced as your little one looks to explore their environment more. This is when a development of body awareness is formed, and confidence really begins to show.

Once at walking stage, toddlers will not only be familiar with the faces around them but will also be ready to partake in more activities, naturally becoming more inquisitive of their surroundings and burgeoning physical abilities.

Our Beth Tweddle Gym Stars sessions provide a selection of fun physical activities, which serve to aid healthy strength building, essential for a strong skeletal system and healthy body as they grow. Again, we’re not talking about building large, defined muscles as we see in many athletes, we’re simply referring to the functional strength that helps children stay fit and healthy in their everyday lives.

Active play is the very essence of being a two-year-old, so early years Gym Stars sessions are always based around fun physical activity that pus a smile on the faces of our little ones and makes their gymnastics sessions an exciting highlight of their week.

Hand apparatus is highly encouraged as it assists with hand-to-eye coordination and balance, two of the key elements of gymnastics. Throwing and catching balls is not only fun but will sharpen coordination skills. Objects such as beanbags and soft balls provide variation to our activities, creating more exciting sessions and stimulating all-essential sensory learning.

To find your nearest Gym Stars session click HERE


A great start for children of any age

There are many advantages to starting gymnastics at any early age.
Spending time with your baby/toddler away from home is quality bonding time for both parent and child. Whether it’s holding your child’s hand as they manoeuvre along a platform, assisting them
when they play with their new friends, or even just being a proud observer, it’s all great bonding time for you and your little one.
Socialisation is an integral part of any child’s development, and the earlier they begin to integrate with children of the same age or older, the more comfortable they become with social environments.
Motor skills and sensory development, strength and flexibility are all great benefits of starting your gymnastics journey early and will pave the way for a future of healthy habits, positive integration, and a love of sports.

Come along to one of our gymnastics sessions

No matter your child’s age, our gymnastics sessions are designed to be fun, welcoming environments where every child is given the opportunity to grow and develop their mental, social, and physical skills alongside new friends and family.

Our Baby Stars sessions offer a unique baby movement class and are available for children aged 0-2 years. Centred around physical movement and social skills development, it promises fun and quality time for you and your baby.

Whether your little one has been a gymnast elsewhere, or has never tried the sport, our Gym Stars programme, perfect for children 2+, offers the opportunity to learn, develop and perfect the fundamental movements of the gymnastics. Integrating a fun, rewards system whereby children can achieve badges, stickers and certificates, these sessions promise fun and newfound friendships for both parents and children.


To reserve your space in one of our Beth Tweddle Gymnastics sessions near you, or to discover more with our free taster session, you can click on the link below and begin your gymnastics journey today.

