Booking open for May half term session!

Booking is now open for an extra session on Wednesday 29th May 2013 at Calderstones School! 


5pm - 6.30pm: Group 4 in a hub or any gymnast aged 7+ in our feeder venues (Childwall, Much Woolton Catholic Primary, Archbishop Blanch, Merchant Taylors, All Saints) This group is also open to new customers who wish to try out the session at a lower price rate.

Cost = £3.50

5.30pm - 7.30pm: Groups 1, 2 or 3 in our hub venues only

Cost = £4.00


Book online here and select the appropriate half term class, or call us on 0844 357 9653! Spaces are strictly limited for this session which is a great opportunity for our gymnasts to get some extra practice in over the half term holidays.

Our latest newsletter is also available for download here!
