Curriculum Gymnastics delivered by Total Gymnastics!

Beth Tweddle Gymnastics (formerly Total Gymnastics) have an exciting new addition to our programmes for 2015 and are now delivering curriculum gymnastics classes!

Our coaches are available to come and deliver gymnastics classes to any school age group during their PE lessons. This gives teachers valuable experience working with a qualified coach, and the pupils the opportunity to receive high level coaching from a qualified coach. The children will be taught a wide spectrum of skills including rolling, jumping, balancing and travelling as well as improving their strength and flexibility and working with and on different apparatus. They will be developing sequences and can also work towards displays to showcase to parents and other teachers at the end of the term.
Teachers are given the full terms worth of in depth session plans for their age group as a reference point and to aid them in delivering classes in the future. We can also offer after school clubs to give the children more opportunity to try the sport, and as we have academies locally, they are also given the opportunity to join a club and progress through awards schemes and achieve badges, stickers and certificates.
Darren Partington, PE and Well Being Team Leader at Northwood Primary School said “the teachers felt they gained new ideas and different ways of teaching and how to get
the most out of the space and equipment that they have available. They all stated that after working with the coach they all felt
more comfortable and confident teaching gymnastics and it has significantly improved their subject knowledge. The children love their coach and her enthusiasm and the variety
of activities within the classes really helps them gain valuable fundamental skills both physically and mentally.”
If you are interested in your school being a part of our curriculum programme, please email for more information
