Great response to Beth's schools visits

Beth Tweddle has been dropping in on a number of schools on Merseyside to talk with pupils and staff about her new curriculum gymnastics classes.

There's been a positive response from schools and teachers to the expansion of Beth Tweddle’s ‘Total Gymnastics’ Academies into providing national curriculum classes directly into schools. Under Beth’s guidance and using her bespoke coaching programmes, her coaches are available to come and deliver gymnastics classes to any school age group during their PE lessons.


Opportunities for schools throughout the North West

Beth Tweddle's Schools Gymnastics is already up and running throughout the North West, with the programme available for school years Reception through to year 6, at a time to suit each individual school. The project is working in partnership with the Association for Physical Education.

Darren Partington, PE and Well Being Team Leader at Northwood Primary School said:

"The teachers felt they gained new ideas and different ways of teaching and how to get the most out of the space and equipment that they have available. They all stated that after working with the coach they all felt more comfortable and confident teaching gymnastics and it has significantly improved their subject knowledge. The children love their coach and her enthusiasm and the variety of activities within the classes really helps them gain valuable fundamental skills both physically and mentally.”


Beth and the team are working hard to develop schools provision that will have a positive impact on gymnastics in the region - and who knows, perhaps this could be the beginning of the next generation of GB stars!

For more information on the opportunity of Beth Tweddle Gymnastics (formerly Total Gymnastics) delivering a curriculum gymnastics programme in your school get in touch with our team on 0161 763 2581 or via e-mail at

