NEW sessions at Merchant Taylors School!

We are excited to announce that we have some a NEW session starting at Merchant Taylors School using our innovative Gym Stars programme! The classes at Merchant Taylors have proved exceptionally popular on a Saturday morning and we have managed to secure a Friday evening class for ages 4 1/2 - 6!


Start date: 19th April 2013*

Half term: 31st May 2013 (no session will run)

End date: 5th July 2013

Term length: 11 weeks

Time: 5.15pm - 6.15pm

Age: 4 1/2 - 6: children must be in full time school

Cost: 11 weeks @ £77.00 or an introductory 6 weeks for £42.00 plus an annual membership to Gym Stars for £15.00 which contains a sticker progress booklet, a t-shirt and a FREE kit bag and drinks bottle!

How to book: Online or by calling 0161 764 2223 Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm

*Whilst we realise that the start date is a significant way off, the sessions will be popular so we can only stress highly enough the importance of booking early to secure a space for your child.
